Wex.nz crypto

Wex exchange 24 hours trading volume is $3,487,746.58 (485.48 BTC) This exchange supports 0 crypto currencies and 0 market trading pairs. According to Alexa website traffic analysis this exchange website has 10000000 rank worldwide. Its website is most popular in with a Alexa rank of 10000000 Wex.nz Exchange Since 2013, CryptocurrencyTALK forum has been the source for advice on what crypto to mine, cryptocurrency technical details, new altcoin launch announcements, and advice from trusted members of the crypto community. — Collin Crypto (@CollinCrypto) July 11, 2018. A Crypto-focused tweeter, Collin Crypto, pointed out earlier today that WEX.nz is trading Bitcoin [BTC] at a value of $9000. This comes of surprise given the fact that it only sits at a value of approximately USD$6,425.